Thursday 10 November 2011

Initial notes on Soap Opera Poster

I did the same as what I did with the Soap Opera magazines with Soap Opera posters, I studied them and commented on what stands out and attracted my eye. By studying what is genericaly found on Soap Opera posters will help me when it comes to designing my own.

I studied a poster and talked about what I saw;

Unlike the magazine the poster is not trying to cram alot of stories onto it, it has foccused more on just the one large eye catching central picture. Also unlike the magazine there is not much use of writing on the poster only the title of the Soap to allow the public to know what it is and also the advertisment of the channel that the Soap is on. The colours used however were still bright to attract attention.

From assesing what I saw when looking at Soap Opera Posters it was clear was conventions I needed to use when creating my own;

Large colourful eye catching picture in middle of poster
Lack of writing used
Name of Soap
Channel Soap is on
Needs to be colourful
Not too crammed

So when briefly thinking about what to do for my groups Soap Opera poster I think we need a large picture in the centre of possibly the main character with the title of the Soap at the top and the channel that it is going to be on.

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