Friday 8 July 2011

Lesson Work To Revise

Uses and Gratifications - People go to see the film to get something from it.

Entertainment - As a form of escape from everyday life.

Personal relationships/social interaction - When people relate to characters.

Personal Identity - People relate and compare their lifes to characters.

Information - To find out facts for example watching a documentary.

Stuart Hall (1973) - Director puts codel meaning in it and audience get different meaning

Preffered of dominant reading - interpret text closely as its intended

Negotiated readings - negotiate beliefs eg 'Avatar' (2009) people believe there is a place called Pandora but not that there is blue people.

Oppositional/resistant - Do not agree with what they see ('as if')

Main Stream films - Preffered/Dominant readings

Remember this quote!!

'The audience have the greatest power, its the audience who tell you what they like'

(Tony Angellotti 'Dugdale 2006 p52')

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